"What does a Poet or an Artist - really see? Is his vision the same as ours, a matter of fact optical impression of the fleeting moment, or something deeper and different?”
Bireswar Sen

Welcome to the World of Bireswar Sen
Bireswar Sen has exercised just this faculty of examining carefully time and place and put them to use in his small paintings of vast landscapes. Specific times and places function as co-ordinates of the human condition within an eternity of time and an infinity of space. The artist paints scenes of distinct moments of day and season in particular places and guides us to understanding them with titles such as “April Morn,” or “Home of the Forest Guard.” The moments are intensely felt—the promise of a cool dip in the heat of the day, a conversation at a time of parting between a soldier and his wife, the hour of ritual on a mountain peak. Landscapes within which these moments occur are spread out in nuanced skies, light-filled clouds, shade-holding trees, high-breasted peaks that give way to valleys—mysterious systems of cycles of seasons, of mountain upheavals and ancient forests, of planets and stars, of perpetual change. Moments of ordinary existence in time and place intersect with pathless dimensions disclosed by splendor, delicacy, luminescence, mystery, color moving through space.

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Download the PDF of the "Time and Eternity" catalogue commissioned by the BSFT, for The Crow Collection of Asian Art, Dallas, Texas. An exhibition of Sen's paintings was held there from January to April 2016.